Fair Play Project: Round 2

Applications for round 2 of the Fair Play Equity, Inclusion and the Creative Industries are currently closed.

The Fair Play: Equity, Inclusion and the Creative Industries project, managed by Diversity Arts and funded by Creative Victoria, is an equity and inclusion capacity-building program for organisations that receive multi-year funding through Creative Victoria. The program seeks to address barriers to participation by underrepresented groups in Victoria’s creative industries, with a focus on three groups: First Nations people, People with Disability and people from underrepresented culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

After a successful 2019, ten more organisations are once again being invited to take part in this unique program in partnership with Creative Victoria and Diversity Arts.

More information

WHAT does the fair play program involve? 

The Fair Play program involves matching with a creative practitioners from one of the three focus groups, as well as program of tailored training for your organisation delivered by various facilitators. This ensures that you receive specific and appropriate guidance and training from First Nations people, People with Disability and people from underrepresented culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

How much time will it take? 

The Fair Play program requires your organisation to commit around 5 hours per month to the 6 month program. This includes attending meetings and workshops, as well as any preparation and consultation within your organisation.


Frequently asked questions