2025-26 Pre-budget Submission: Investing In A Creative Sector That Reflects Us All

2025 Breaking Ground Symposium | Photo credit: Isabella Moore

2025-26 Pre-budget Submission

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31 January 2025
Department of the Treasury
Pre-Budget Submissions
(via online portal)


Diversity Arts Australia (DARTS) welcomes this opportunity to make a Pre-Budget Submission for the 2025-2026 Federal Budget. Diversity Arts Australia is the peak national organisation promoting racial equity across the arts, screen, and creative sectors. We work to build a creative sector that reflects Australia’s cultural diversity and believe creative expression is a fundamental human right, which strengthens and connects communities.

Our submission outlines two key budget proposals and seven recommendations for strengthening policy through focused areas of investment over the forward estimates. Our recommendations are made to ensure that the arts, screen and creative sectors are representative of the whole Australian community, and that underrepresented people can access employment in our industries.

This submission is informed by our work with thousands of Culturally and Racially Marginalised (CaRM)¹ creatives and communities through our programs, talks, and events. It is also shaped by years of research and advocacy, including our role in facilitating the Creative Cultural Diversity Network since 2020. Additionally, our submission is guided by our collaboration with various grassroots organisations as well as our collective advocacy with the Consortium of National Peak Arts Organisations², whose submissions we endorse. It is critical that we work together to build a robust, relevant and inclusive creative sector. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the contents of this Submission with you further.

About Diversity Arts Australia

Diversity Arts Australia (DARTS) is the national voice for ethno-cultural and migrant racial equity in the arts, screen, and creative sectors. Our vision is clear: A creative sector empowered by Australia’s cultural, linguistic and racial diversity.

Guided by principles of self-determination, autonomy and social justice, Diversity Arts combines service provision — resources, events, research, training, advocacy — with creative production. We act as a broker between artists, industry, educators and government, and commission content from culturally and racially marginalised (CaRM) creatives that articulates key issues and showcases leading practice. While our focus is on underrepresented cultural and linguistic diversity (CaLD), we work intersectionally and in partnership with other communities to deliver programs, in particular with First Nations, women, gender diverse communities, and people with disability.

Summary of Budget Proposals and Recommendations

Read the full detailed breakdown of the Budget Proposals and Recommendations here.

¹Please refer to Appendix A on pages 7-8: ‘A Note on Language’ for more information about DARTS’ language choice.
²These organisations are: APRA/AMCOS, Ausdance National, Australian Museum and Galleries Assoc, Australian Music Centre, Australian Writer’s Guild, BlakDance, Live Performance Australia, Moogahlin Arts Centre, National Association for the Visual Arts, Performing Arts Connections Australia, Regional Arts Australia, Screen Producers Association, Symphony Services Australia, Theatre Network Australia, Diversity Arts Australia.
³This is our recommended delivery timeframe based on our extensive experience in undertaking similar projects