Congratulations to all of the graduating interns from our Disability and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Internship program!
Led by Accessible Arts and run in partnership with Diversity Arts Australia and a range of arts, cultural and screen organisations across NSW and the ACT, these exciting internships provided people with disability from underrepresented culturally diverse backgrounds with specialised industry training and work experience in the arts sector.
The legacy of this program will be a network of cultural access consultants who will help improve access to arts, culture and community events for people with disability from underrepresented culturally diverse backgrounds. Learn more about the graduating interns at Accessible Arts:
- Karime Baylis – Internship at Lismore Gallery
- Gum Guo – Internship at Shopfront Arts
- Jessica Kejun Xu – Internship at APRA AMCOS
- Geirthana Nandakumaran – Internship at Screen Australia
- Marisa Pasicznik Ross – Internship at Story Factory
- Aleyn Silva – Internship at the Museum of Australian Democracy
- Shona Thomas – Internship at the National Portrait Gallery
- Eugenie Lee – Accessible Arts (Program Coordinator)
This program was supported by the Commonwealth Government Department of Social Services. The graduation ceremony was held at the Art Gallery of NSW, Art Gallery Rd, Sydney NSW 2000.