Dr. Alexia Derbas

Alexia Derbas recently completed her PhD in Sociology at Western Sydney University, exploring race, gender and religion online. She has been a researcher at Western Sydney University for five years, exploring racism and particularly anti-Arab sentiment, Islamophobia and women’s experiences of exclusion in so-called Australia. She has been working with teams at UNSW and Charles Sturt University on racism as a public health issue. She teaches research methods, social science, and media and communications units on difference and exclusion at WSU and UTS.

Alexia has worked with the Australian Human Rights Commission on their Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces and works with the FARE Network in their efforts against discrimination during the FIFA World Cup and other football tournaments. She has had poetry and fiction published in Cordite, Voiceworks and others, and was shortlisted for the 2014 Judith Wright Poetry Prize.