Zeca Ligiero is director, author, visual artist, Ph.D. at NYU and Post-Doc at Yale University and Paris 8; co-founder of the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics, New York. As director, he staged in other countries and languages: The third bank of Rio in New York, 1987; Noticias de las cosas pasadas, Colombia, 2009, Mama Africa, Senegal, 2010 and Mariana, Princesse turque d’Amazonie, France, 2016. Among his most important books are: Divine Inspiration from Benin to Bahia, 1993, USA, Iniciación al Candomblé 1993, Colombia, Corpo a Corpo, 2011, Performance e Antropologia de Richard Schechner, 2012, Augusto Boal: Arte, Pedagogia e Política, 2013, Teatro das Origens, 2017. |