Anti-Racism & the Arts

Intersect at the Refugee Welcome Centre | Photo credit Nasir Jebeile for Diversity Arts

Intersect at the Refugee Welcome Centre | Photo credit Nasir Jebeile for Diversity Arts

Antiracism and the Arts is geared towards empowering community members in the arts, creative, and cultural sectors to combat racism through a multipronged, comprehensive strategy.

The project incorporate creative elements in conjunction with capacity building initiatives to empower CaLD / CaRM workers and practitioners as community advocates, and strengthen the wider sector.

Project Outcomes

Anti-racism & the Arts encompasses four key outcomes aimed at promoting anti-racism, fostering dialogue, and empowering racially marginalised communities:

  • Masterclasses Course (supported by TAFE NSW & the Premier’s Department)
  • Antiracism Quiz
  • Postering Campaign to Promote Awareness and Dialogue
  • Social Media Campaign