“At Diversity Arts we’re incredibly ambitious for cultural change, but the scope of our work can be huge and isn’t going away in a hurry.
We believe fundraising is first and foremost about our ties with our donors, allowing us to understand your passions, interests and needs. In turn, as donors you help us change this country with the work we are doing. Diversity Arts is the bridge between your desire to equal the playing field in Australia’s arts and creative sector and having that need fulfilled”. – Lena Nahlous – CEO Diversity Arts.

“Diversity Arts Australia champions new voices and creates pathways to publication, production, and performance for artists who do not have the networks that enable them to be seen and heard in Australia. It would not be possible for me to do the work that I do without the support of organisations such as Diversity Arts.
For immigrant artists who are under-represented in the Australian arts landscape, and in the stories that Australia tells itself and the outside world, the importance of the work done by Diversity Arts in advocating for change cannot be overstated.
Diversity Arts Australia does the crucial work of supporting under-represented and marginalised voices. In turn, they deserve support …” – Roanna Gonsalves – Award Winning Author, The Permanent Resident.

“As an immigrant and creative of colour, I know firsthand how the arts and culture sector is gate kept.
“Through my work at Diversity Arts, I have been able to develop and produce projects and campaigns advocating for meaningful, practical change to improve racial equity in the arts.
“Your support will help us continue developing these strategic projects and campaigns to ensure the future of arts & culture on this country is as nuanced, diverse and complex as its history and its people.” – Carielyn Tunion – Producer (Projects & Creative Campaigns).

“As an Indonesian Australian who’s worked as a screen media professional for 3 decades, but now lives with acquired physical and cognitive disability, I firmly believe that Diversity Arts Australia both effectively and superbly selects and isolates the premium and most exciting creative projects (utilizing a variety of artistic platforms), to then help artists and creatives facilitate, nurture, realise and fulfill their true optimal (and awesome) creative and industry potential.
Diversity Arts continues to play a “substantive and meaningful”(S&M) role in revealing and showcasing the cream of Australia’s most exciting ethnocultural diversity in leadership in the screen and disabled communities”. – Ade Djajamihardja – Diversity Arts Board Member.

“As a Board Member with 9 years experience in the Arts, I’m deeply conscious of the need for our industry to be more inclusive of the rich cultural diversity that exists in Australia. I’m excited by the work Diversity Arts does to actively advance creatives of colour and support organisations to become more welcoming and representative of racial diversity in the sector. Please join me in supporting this hard-working and dedicated organisation and give generously this season to help ensure Diversity Art’s good work continues.” – Francisca Peña – Diversity Arts Board Member.
“Diversity Arts Australia is one of the most vibrant and impactful advocates for a diverse art and creative sector that reflects who we really are as Australians: a nation made up of a rich tapestry of cultures and histories. For too long, diverse voices have been ignored through all aspect of our entertainment media. This is both a waste of talent and a tragic loss of our heritage.
A richer and more diverse arts and creative sector benefits artists, audiences and allows different Australian stories to be told. It ensures we nurture talent that will shape both our nation and our experiences as Australians.
From publication and production to performance, Diversity Arts is demanding more from the arts and creative sector. They have changed the playing field and we are all richer for it, and I ask that you support them in any way you can.” – Professor James Arvanitakis – Patron, Diversity Arts Australia