StoryCasters is a unique training and mentorship hub for future citizen journalists and digital producers across the disciplines of writing, podcasting, film, photography and sound. Since 2019 to the present, the project has created a community of practice for 65 young emerging producers from Western Sydney and profiled 100+ culturally diverse artists from across New South Wales.
Project Timeline
In 2023-2025, we are excited to partner with Multicultural NSW once again for an updated StoryCasters 2.0 program. This initiative provides mentorship and training in journalism, podcasting, reviewing, writing, and photography for young talent in Western Sydney. Diversity Arts have partnered with Media Diversity Australia and Sweatshop Literacy Movement to deliver this unique program.
StoryCasters 2.0 Program
StoryCasters 1.0 Program
In 2021, Diversity Arts launched the StoryCasters website to host the multitude of stories, articles, interviews and video content. Many of these stories are also featured on our Creative Lives page of this website. To meet the StoryCasters and find out more about the project, visit
During the early stages of the global pandemic from 2020 – 2021, we moved the program online.
In 2019, we kicked off the project with a cohort-wide meet and greet StoryCasters Mixer, held at Arts and Cultural Exchange. Participants and trainers from all 4 training streams groups got to meet and mingle, and take part in a group brainstorming activity. This was the beginning of some great collaborations!

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The StoryCasters project has resulted in a rich set of outcomes ranging from paid commissions and ongoing employment opportunities, to the creation of communities of practice. Download the full report to learn about the project outcomes and key learnings.
Who are the StoryCasters?
They are bold, creative and hungry for accurate, nuanced representation. They’re interested in media – you live it, breath it, and now they want to create it.
StoryCasters are young people (between the age of 18-30) who identify as culturally and linguistically diverse or as a person of colour, including people from non-English speaking, migrant and refugee backgrounds.
What is the StoryCasters program?
Diversity Arts partnered with specialist companies and individuals to co-deliver programs. This also ensured greater continuity and mentorship, as well as industry connections. The full cohort met together for exchanges and collaborations, and were brought together for Mixer events and, during the Covid lockdown, for online events. This resulted in cross-pollinations, exchanges and collaborations that extended across more than 10 weeks of training in different disciplines:
- Writing — 25 participants, mentored by Winnie Dunn and Shirley Le from Sweatshop Literary Movement
- Screen — 15 participants, mentored by Maria Tran from Phoenix Eye
- Podcasting — 15 participants, mentored by Podcast Producer Jennifer Macey
- Sounds — 10 participants, mentored by Nicola Morton and Del Lumanta via Information and Cultural Exchange.
We rounded out the program with Masterclasses and Industry Talks from industry professionals like Oli Chang (of indie group Animal Feelings) and Anisha Thomas (film music composer, Sound-How).
Following the intensive training, the StoryCasters cohort were commissioned to create new content. While some commissions have been delayed due to Covid, many have been published or aired in literary and media platforms and radio.
Who’s involved?
This StoryCasters project is an initiative of Diversity Arts Australia, with support from Create NSW, Multicultural NSW, and Creative Australia.
StoryCasters 1.0 partners include Arts and Cultural Exchange, Phoenix Eye, Sweatshop Literacy Movement, and FBi Radio.
StoryCasters 2.0 partners include Arts and Cultural Exchange, Media Diversity Arts Australia, and Sweatshop Literacy Movement.