Coming to VIVID Sydney 13 June, the Diversity in Practice forum presented by Diversity in Australian Media group. DARTS is proud to support this forum.
The workforce of Australia’s media and screen industries is becoming increasingly diverse, leading to exciting creative collaborations and opportunities. However, many insiders still don’t understand why diversity is important and how to do it well. Our cultural heritages and lived experiences influence the way we think, talk and tell stories, yet our systems have a long way to go to recognise the true value of diversity in relation to creative work. As a result, practitioners from diverse backgrounds may find it hard to get a foot in the door, and those who have made it in may struggle to have their voices heard.
We need to keep working on making our media landscape more representative, and doing it well. Let’s get it right in theory, as well as in practice. It’s time for ‘Diversity 2.0’.
Join our panel of industry insiders for a lively discussion that explores how change can occur within organisations. For individual practitioners, learn how to thrive and understand the value of your cultural capital, and appreciate how building personal and professional support networks that sustain your creativity and career.
This event is organised by the Diversity in Australian Media group, which represents different cultures, ethnicities, religions, genders, abilities, classes, ages & LGBTQI voices.
Event update
Some feedback on the event:
“I just wanted to say thanks very much for organising yesterday. I flew down from Brisbane for it yesterday and am back home now – completely exhausted but really glad I went. As a disabled person myself there was so much great information in there that I’d love my friends from the disability sector to hear – especially the opening speech which was fantastic. Thanks again for putting on a great event. We can never have enough conversations about media diversity!”
“It really was a lovely illuminating discussion. Keen to see more diverse and inclusive programs.”
“Thanks again for an amazing panel! It’s been a while since i’ve felt such a safe and positive energy in a space!”
“Congratulations on your continuous efforts to bringing people of various backgrounds together.”
“A fantastic panel, all the speakers were so insightful, and the moderator was awesome. So fabulous to see the Auslan interpreters. Wonderful audience too.”