We are in the midst of a Creative Revolution. A global, systemic, political and cultural paradigm shift, spurred on by a pandemic and ignited by Black Lives Matter, where justice and truth telling has been propelled to the forefront, demanding accountability and action.
Join the conversation this Thursday, 17 December 2020. The Pacesetters are ready to tell it like it is in the state known as Queensland. Led by First Nations Elders (aka The Aunties), with special guests and artistic responses to the local, national and international discourse around equity, representation, safety and solidarity, The Pacesetters QLD are taking it back to the old school, connecting historical, political and personal context with how the Arts has always been a transformational tool for social change.
Speakers: Aunty Professor Henrietta Marrie AM, Aunty Colleen Wall, Aunty Heather Castledine, Karen Crone
In conversation: Aunty Kathryn D Fisher, Rita Pryce, Pauline Lampton, Fiona Wirrer-George, Yvette Walker, Elverina Johnson
Special messages: Roxanne McDonald, Nadine McDonald-Dowd, Jason Gann (Wilfred) Films: Ancestress, Polytoxic
Performances: Emily Wurramara, Vika Mana, Tibian Wyles, Kargun Fogarty, Grace Edwards, Lana Siliga, Hope One plus very special surprise guests
Hosted by Busty Beatz. We invite you to be part of the conversation. These speakers, artists and special guests celebrate and pay homage to First Nations and culturally diverse Pacesetters through keynotes, conversations, film, music, performance and spoken word.
Presented by BlackBleep Productions and Queensland Independent Arts Alliance, in partnership with Diversity Arts Australia, Metro Arts and Arts Front.
For the in-person event – BOOK NOW.
Livestream with captions and Auslan will be available via Diversity Arts Australia’s Facebook page on 17 December, 2020 and on the Arts Front website.
For the online event – RSVP NOW.
pacesetter [peys-set-er] Noun
- a person that is the first to do new or different things; a leader in a particular field or activity, providing an example for others to follow.
- someone who sets the pace.
Pacesetters is funded by Australia Council for the Arts and Create NSW.