Join 2025 STORYCASTERS 2.0: Theatre (Writing, Directing + Making)

StoryCasters 2.0 Theatre-Making trainer Pratha Nagpal (L) pictured with fellow StoryCaster Adrian Mouhajer. Photo credit: Anna Hay

Become a StoryCaster

Submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) early! Submissions close 31 January 2025

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Are you a young (aged 18-30), culturally diverse theatre enthusiast? Become a Diversity Arts Australia StoryCaster and learn the ropes!

Held at ACE (Arts and Cultural Exchange) in Parramatta, NSW (where Diversity Arts is also based), the program provides training at the intersection of storytelling and theatre-making. Participants will build skills through 5 weekly workshops focused on dramaturgy, theatre writing, directing, and making/devising. Dramaturgical knowledge will be applied to different contexts of writing, directing, and making, with theoretical and practical elements. You’ll also build a network around you as you undertake this program.

Key Dates (attendance is mandatory):

  • Monday, February 24 (7-8 pm): Meet Your Instructor: Pratha Nagpal @ Zoom session
  • Saturday, March 1 (2-5 pm w/ refreshment break): Training Session 1 @ ACE Parramatta
  • Saturday, March 8 (2-5 pm w/ refreshment break): Training Session 2 @ ACE Parramatta
  • Saturday, March 15 (2 – 5 pm, with refreshment break): Training Session 3 @ ACE Parramatta
  • Saturday, March 22 (2 – 5 pm, with refreshment break): Training Session 4 @ ACE Parramatta
  • Saturday, March 29 (2 – 5 pm, with refreshment break): Training Session 5 @ ACE Parramatta

Key Program Outcomes (for each participant):

  • Create a written piece about your artistic practice answering why you create stories as a theatre-maker and your hopes for the arts industry as a culturally diverse creatives. This piece will be priority-optioned for publishing in Multicultural NSW’s digital publication, The New Point Magazine;
  • Craft a project pitch you can submit for future applications and use for further development of the project itself;
  • Upskill emerging artists within the theatre industry and share knowledge and skills essential in allowing theatre-makers to tell their stories to the fullest potential
  • Build opportunities for a new group of theatre-makers and connect them with the wider industry.

Please tell us about yourself, your interests and why you want to be a StoryCaster in the EOI form.

For more information, email:

Deadline to submit an expression of interest. Deadline: Friday, 31 January 2025, 11:59 PM.

ABOUT DIVERSITY ARTS AUSTRALIA: Diversity Arts Australia (DARTS) is the national voice for ethnocultural and migrant racial equity in the arts, cultural and creative industries. Our work includes advocacy, research, brokering connections, knowledge exchange and projects.


Pratha Nagpal Theatre-Making Mentor

Pratha Nagpal is a director, writer, activist and passionate theatremaker working on unceded Indigenous land. BIPOC stories and art deeply inspire Pratha’s arts practice. Being a first-generation immigrant, she deeply understands the need for art that centres BIPOC voices in both the stories being told and the process undertaken to tell these stories. Her works include Maa Ki Rasoi (My Mother’s Kitchen), Kali and Aurat Raj (The Rule of the Woman).

StoryCasters 2.0 by Diversity Arts Australia (DARTS) is supported by Multicultural NSW, Media Diversity Australia, Sweatshop Literacy Movement, Arts and Cultural Exchange, Create NSW, and Creative Australia.