Evidence-based needs assessment
DARTS offers Comprehensive Capacity Building Programs, as well as tailored individual training modules, and support to develop Diversity Action Plans, depending on an organisation’s individual needs. We help organisations determine these needs through our evidenced-based needs assessment.
A key component of this assessment is our Survey Tool. It measures cultural diversity in organisations providing baseline data critical to developing a customised response to equity, diversity and inclusion in an organisation.
DARTS has also developed a Cultural Diversity Checklist, based on work with Deakin University, Western Sydney University, BYP Group and support from the Scanlon Foundation. This Checklist, which was developed from the Survey Tool, enables organisations to undertake a self-assessment of their culture and values.
These tools form the basis of our audit strategy, which enables organisations develop a deep analysis of their strengths and weaknesses with regard to cultural diversity and inclusion, and areas where they would benefit from training or capacity building. The audit examines every aspect of the leadership, creative program, staff, marketing and audiences of the organisation.