The Diverse Arts Booster program aims to support talented emerging artists from a culturally and linguistically diverse background that create inspiring work, but currently are not able to show their art to a broader Tasmanian audience. The aim is representation of Tasmania’s cultural diversity in the arts.
- Register for the co-design session for artists to identify barriers and co-design the masterclasses and rest of the program. This first session will be held on 30 September 2022 at Moonah Arts Centre.
- And register your interest in the program via this EOI Form. The 2022 – 2023 program features masterclasses, mentorship and access to rehearsal and makerspace!
The barriers identified by Tasmanian artists from a CALD background in the ‘Stories from the Future‘ workshop, facilitated by Emalia Al-Gadrie for Diversity Arts Australia will be a starting point for this process.
Acknowledgements: Diverse Arts Booster is a project by Multicultural Council of Tasmania and Moonah Arts Centre with support from Diversity Arts Australia, Glenorchy City Council and Arts Tasmania.
Register for the co-design session
Register for the free co-design session to be held on 30 September at Moonah Arts Centre
Register for the program
Register your interest for the program via this EOI form. The 2022 – 2023 program features masterclasses, mentorship and access to rehearsal and makerspace!