Following Round 1’s success, DARTS is happy to announce our Round 2 awardees of Fair Play Regional Victoria, which kicks off this month and runs to October:
Benalla Art Gallery
Lighthouse Theatre, Warrnambool
The Cube, Wadonga
West Gippsland Art Centre (Baw Bar Shire)
Bendigo Venues and Events
Public Galleries Association Victoria (PGAV)
The Victorian Association of Performing Arts Centres (VAPAC)
Launched in early 2023 by Diversity Arts Australia and Creative Victoria, Fair Play Regional Victoria is a capacity-building program supporting more significant equity and inclusion for Council-owned and operated arts venues in Creative Victoria’s Regional Partnerships project.
Tailored to the specific issues of regional venues in Victoria, Fair Play focuses on developing each venue’s skills and capacity to work with First Nations, culturally and racially marginalised people and People with Disability.
Organisations are matched with a mentor and receive training from educational partners like Koorie Heritage Trust and Arts Access Victoria. By the end of the program, organisations develop an Equity Action Plan tailored to their venue.
Congratulations to Round 1 organisations: Gippsland Art Gallery, Colac Otway Performing Arts and Cultural Centre, Riverlinks (Greater Shepparton City Council) and Horsham Regional Art Gallery.
Stay tuned for the program’s end-of-year finale event, where we hope to bring together venues and organisations from across regional Victoria.