Needs-based training
If an organisation does not requires a Comprehensive Capacity Building Program, DARTS can deliver tailored individual training modules. We can also support organisations to determine their needs.
DARTS’ training modules draw on 16 years of working collaboratively with artists from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds since our organisation began, inclusive of migrant, refugee and the broader CaLD communities. We have long been documenting and gathering information on the barriers to inclusion for diverse artists through our Gatherings program, interview series and sector-wide consultations.
Training is tailored to the specific needs of the organisation, drawing on evidence-based tools such as our Self-Assessment Checklist and our Survey Tool. Training can be delivered via a model appropriate to the organisation, including classroom/workshop settings, panel presentations or small-group discussion and activities. Topics may include:
Overview Four-hour or one-day face-to-face workshops providing an overview of diversity and inclusion issues.
Cultural competency Including unconscious bias, beliefs, practices, interpersonal dynamics, cross-cultural communication, anti-racism
Programming & Commissioning Creating opportunities for diverse artists, programming strategies and commissioning
Recruitment & Employment Developing recruitment and employment policies and procedures
Marketing Engaging and communicating with diverse audiences
Partnerships Developing community partnerships and building networks
Governance Increasing representation at the management and board level
Engagement Community-engaged arts practice and appropriate cultural consultation
Organisational Culture Empowering staff to become diversity champions
Monitoring & Evaluation Evaluating progress and data collection