Following the phenomenal success of last year’s anthology After Australia, we’re proud to announce the brand new collection Another Australia. This companion anthology will similarly feature an accomplished lineup of writers from Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Another Australia will be published by Affirm Press in May 2022, in partnership with Sweatshop Literacy Movement and Diversity Arts Australia.
Acclaimed Tongan-Australian writer and arts worker Winnie Dunn is set to edit.
The boundary-pushing book features writing from: Osman Faruqi, Declan Fry, Amani Haydar, Jamie Marina Lau, Shirley Le, L-Fresh the Lion, Mohammed Massoud Morsi, Sisonke Msimang, Anne-Marie Te Whiu, Sara Saleh, and Nardi Simpson, and poetry and linocut illustrations from Omar Musa.
“Twelve diverse writers will reimagine Australia’s past, present and future. Song lines, migration, social media, fortune telling, climate change, domestic violence, the death penalty and the erasure of Indigenous and Black history provide a backdrop for stories on love, revolution, sovereignty and truth.
The anthology will imagine an Australia before the invasions, before the massacres, before the rebellions.”
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Now available for pre-order via Readings Bookshop and all good bookstores!