We’re two years into a global pandemic, where cancellations, lockdowns and lost opportunities have had a devastating impact on the creative sector. Our 2020 survey on lost work and wellbeing of creatives of colour, showed that culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) artists were hit harder – faced with intensified racism and further marginalisation. In our new survey, we take a look at the long-term effects of being a creative of colour during COVID times.
Diversity Arts Australia is now releasing the results from our 2021 survey. The Executive Summary and Final Report provide clear evidence for how the pandemic and its restrictions have threatened the livelihoods and wellbeing of underrepresented artists and creative workers.
The survey collected 191 responses, and included an unexpected 35% response rate from First Nations artists and creative workers. To provide an appropriate and fuller perspective, Diversity Arts consulted with First Nations organisations BlakDance and Koorie Heritage Trust to interpret the findings, and to make recommendations for the specific needs of First Nations artists and creative workers during the pandemic.
Most survey participants are experiencing a loss of work, increased racism, stress, anxiety and depression, and an inability to pay bills, rent and their mortgage. A major finding was that the financial and emotional wellbeing of underrepresented CaLD and First Nations artists and creative workers is a great area of concern for the arts and creative sectors. Diversity Arts Australia, BlakDance and Koorie Heritage Trust therefore make recommendations to promote and safeguard the rights for all artists to participate equitably and safely in the Australian arts.