Our Vision
Arts and culture that reflect Australia’s cultural diversity.
Our Purpose
Diversity Arts Australia exists to advance cultural diversity within the creative sector in Australia through:
Knowledge: Research and policy development
Advocacy: Being a strong voice for diversity in the arts
Support: Provision of professional services
Development: Undertaking projects that promote diversity
Networking: Connecting and brokering artists and arts organisations
Our Values
Diversity Arts Australia is committed to the following values that guide our practice:
Inclusion: We believe in arts for everyone
Diversity: We believe that diversity strengthens and invigorates arts practice
Collaboration: We strongly believe in collaborating with artists, creative industries and audiences
Participation: We believe participation engages a broader community of culturally diverse artists, audiences and influencers
Empowerment/Self-Determination: We believe in pushing boundaries, creating conversations and challenging the status quo to affect transformation
“I want to know that I have been part of building a canon of work that challenges the mainstream…building of a whole community of artists and audiences for that work.”
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Membership keeps you at the cutting edge of diversity dialogues, opportunities and inspirations.